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Portada > Académicos(as) de Claustro > Carlos Reyes

Carlos Reyes

  1. Grado académico: Doctor en Ciencias Exactas con mención en Física, 2005, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

  2. Línea de Investigación: Cosmología-Gravitación y Partículas Elementales (Claustro)

  3. e-mail: creyes@ubiobio.cl

  4. Información Adicional: Research Gate

Listado de publicaciones en los últimos 10 años


  1. Reyes, C. M. and Urrutia, L. F., Vergara, J. D., 2009, The photon sector in the Quantum Myers-Pospelov model: An improved description, Physics Letters B
  2. Reyes, C. Marat, 2009, Testing symmetries in effective models of higher derivative field theories, Physical Review D
  3. Reyes, C. Marat, 2010, Causality and stability for Lorentz-CPT violating electrodynamics with dimension-5 operators, Physical Review D
  4. Lopez-Sarrion, Justo and Reyes, Carlos M., 2012, Non-local Lee-Wick modes in the fermionic Myers Pospelov model European Physical Journal C
  5. Lopez-Sarrion, Justo and Reyes, Carlos M., 2013, Myers-Pospelov Model as an Ensemble of Pais-Uhlenbeck Oscillators: Unitarity and Lorentz Invariance Violation, European Physical Journal C
  6. Reyes, Marat C., 2013, Unitarity in higher-order Lorentz-invariance violating QED, Physical Review D
  7. Reyes, Marat C.,  M. Maniatis, C. M., 2014, Unitarity in a Lorentz symmetry breaking model with higher-order operators, Physical Review D
  8. Carlos M. Reyes, Sebastian Ossandon, Camilo Reyes, 2015, Higher ¬order Lorentz-invariance violation, quantum gravity and fine¬tuning, Physics Letters B
  9. Maniatis, M. and Mehta, D. and Reyes, Carlos M., 2015, Stability and symmetry breaking in a three-Higgs-doublet model with lepton family symmetry O(2)⊗Z2, Physical Review D
  10. Nascimento, J. R. and Petrov, A. Yu and Reyes, C. Marat, 2015, Lorentz-breaking theory with higher derivatives in spinor sector, Physical Review D
  11. Cumsille, Patricio, Reyes, Carlos M., Ossandon, Sebastian, Reyes, Camilo, 2016, Polymer quantization, stability and higher-order time derivative terms, International Journal of Modern Physics A
  12. Sebastian Ossandon, Camilo Reyes, Carlos M. Reyes, 2016, Neural network solution for an inverse problem associated with the Dirichlet eigenvalues of the anisotropic Laplace operator, Computers and Mathematics with Applications
  13. Sebastian Ossandon, Camilo Reyes, Patricio Cumsille, Carlos M. Reyes, 2017, Neural network approach for the calculation of potential coefficients in quantum mechanics, Computer Physics Communications
  14. Carlos M. Reyes and L. F. Urrutia, 2017, Unitarity and Lee-Wick prescription at one loop level in Myers-Pospelov electrodynamics: the e^+ e^-  annihilation, Physical Review D
  15. Nascimento, J. R. and Petrov, A. Yu and Reyes, Carlos M., 2018, Renormalization in a Lorentz-violating model and higher-order operators, European Physical Journal C
  16. L. Balart, C. M. Reyes, S. Ossandon and C. Reyes, 2018, Perturbative unitarity and higher-order Lorentz symmetry breaking, Physical Review D
  17. T. Mariz, J. R. Nascimento, A. Y. Petrov and C. M. Reyes, 2018, Quantum aspects of the higher-derivative Lorentz-breaking extension of QED, Physical Review D

Listado de proyectos de investigación en los últimos 10 años

  1. Investigador Postdoctoral-UAM, México, Conacyt, 2009-2010, Investigador Responsable
  2. Investigador Postdoctoral-USACH    Chile, Dicyt, 2010-2011, Investigador Responsable
  3. Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory, DIUBB - 125009,  2012-2013    Colaborador
  4. Tópicos en teoría de campos con derivadas altas y violación de Lorentz, DIUBB 123809 3/R,  2012-2013, Investigador Responsable
  5. Tópicos en Física más allá del modelo estándar, DIUBB 141709 4/R,  2014-2015, Investigador Responsable
  6. Unitary and Lorentz invariance violation in higher-order QED, Fondecyt 1140781, 2014-2017, Investigador Responsable
  7. Grupo de investigación de Física de Altas Energías, DIUBB 152609 GI/VC, 2015-2016, Colaborador