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Portada > Académicos(as) de Claustro > Cristian Villavicencio

Cristian Villavicencio

  1. Grado académico: Doctor en Ciencias Exactas mención Física, 2004, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.

  2. Línea de Investigación: Cosmología-Gravitación y Partículas Elementales (Claustro)

  3. e-mail: cvillavicencio@ubiobio.cl

  4. Información Adicional: Research Gate

Tesis de doctorado dirigidas en los últimos 10 años.

Como co-guía de tesis

  1. Carlos Federico Márquez, Hadronic phase transitions in nonlocal Nambu—Jona-Lasinio Models, Doctorado en Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2014.
  2. Renato Andrés Zamora Jofré, Catálisis magnética y transiciones de fase en modelos efectivos, Doctorado en Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica, 2015.

Listado de publicaciones en los últimos 10 años


  1. E.S. Fraga, L.F. Palhares, C. Villavicencio, 2009, Quark mass and isospin dependence of the deconfining critical temperatura, Physical Review D.
  2. G. Lugones, A.G. Grunfeld, N.N. Scoccola, C. Villavicencio, 2009, Deconfinement of neutron star matter within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model, Physical Review D.
  3. L.F. Palhares, E.S. Fraga, C. Villavicencio, 2009, Mass and chemical asymmetry in QCD matter, Nuclear Physics A
  4. E.S. Fraga, C. Villavicencio, 2010, Weinberg power counting and the quark determinant at small chemical potential, Physical Review D
  5. M. Loewe, P. Morales, C. Villavicencio, 2011, Thermal nonlocal Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in the real time formalism    Physical Review D
  6. A. Ayala, M. Loewe, J. C. Rojas, C. Villavicencio, 2012, Magnetic catalysis of a charged Bose-Einstein condensate, Physical Review D
  7. Gorazd Cvetic, Cristian Villavicencio, 2012, Operator Product Expansion with analytic QCD in tau decay physics, Physical Review D
  8. A. Ayala, L. A. Hernandez, J. Lopez, A. J. Mizher, J. C. Rojas, C. Villavicencio, 2013, Phase diagram for charged scalars in a magnetic field at finite temperatura, Physical Review D
  9. M. Loewe, F. Marquez, C. Villavicencio, 2013, The nNJL model with a fractional Lorentzian regulator in the real time formalism, Physical Review D
  10. O. Castillo-Felisola, C. Corral, C. Villavicencio, A. R. Zerwekh, 2013, Fermion Masses Through Condensation in Spacetimes with Torsion, Physical Review D
  11. M. Loewe, C. Villavicencio, R. Zamora, 2014, Linear sigma model and the formation of a charged pion condensate in the presence of an external magnetic field, Physical Review D
  12. A. Ayala, L. A. Hernández, A. J. Mizher, J. C. Rojas, C. Villavicencio, 2014, Chiral transition with magnetic fields, Physical Review D
  13. A. J. Mizher, A. Raya, C. Villavicencio, 2015, Electric current generation in distorted graphene, International Journal of Modern Physics B
  14. M. Loewe, F. Marquez, C. Villavicencio, R. Zamora, 2015, Weak magnetic field effects on chiral critical temperature in a nonlocal Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, International Journal of Modern Physics A
  15. A. Ayala, C.A. Dominguez, L.A. Hernandez, M. Loewe, J. C. Rojas, C. Villavicencio, 2015, Quark deconfinement and gluon condensate in a weak magnetic field from QCD sum rules, Physical Review D
  16. A. Ayala, C.A. Dominguez, L.A. Hernandez, M. Loewe, A. Raya, J.C. Rojas,  C. Villavicencio, 2016, Thermomagnetic properties of the strong coupling in the local Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, Physical Review D
  17. A. Ayala, P. Mercado, C. Villavicencio, 2017, Magnetic catalysis of a finite size pion condensate, Physical Review C
  18. M. Loewe, A. Raya, C. Villavicencio, 2017, Metastable pions in dense media, Physical Review D
  19. A. Raya, C. Villavicencio, 2018, Induced Brehemstrahlungby light in graphene, Revista Mexicana de Física
  20. C.A. Domínguez, M. Loewe, C. Villavicencio, 2018, QCD determination of the magnetic field dependence of QCD and hadronic parameters, Physical Review D
  21. A. J. Mizher, S. Hernández, A. Raya, C. Villavicencio, 2018, Aspects of the pseudo Chiral Magnetic Effect in 2D Weyl-Dirac Matter, European Physical Journal C

Listado de proyectos de investigación en los últimos 10 años

  1. Nonperturbative aspects of quantum field theory and hadron dynamics, FONDECYT 1130056, 2013 – 2016, Co-investigador
  2. Magnetic properties in particle physics, FONDECYT 1150847, 2015 – 2018, Investigador responsable
  3. Relevant topics in quantum field theory, FONDECYT 1150471, 2015, 2015 – 2018, Co-Investigador
  4. Phase transitions in quantum field theory    FONDECYT 1170107, 2017-2020, Co-Investigador
  5. Grupo de Cosmología y Partículas Elementales, DIUBB 172309 GI/C, 2017-2019, Co-investigador
  6. Efecto de estrés de roce en células de melanoma, como agente modificador del microambiente vascular, Proyecto DIUBB 180709 3/R, 2018-2019, Co–Investigador
  7. Electromagnetic effects in dense hadronic matter, FONDECYT 1190192, 2019-2022, Investigador responsable