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Portada > Académicos(as) de Claustro > York Schröder

York Schröder

  1. Grado académico: Doktor der Naturwissenschaften, 1999, Univ de Hamburgo, Alemania.

  2. Línea de Investigación: Cosmología-Gravitación y Partículas Elementales (Claustro)

  3. e-mail: yschroder@ubiobio.cl

  4. Información adicional: Research Gate

Tesis de magíster dirigidas en los últimos 10 años.

Como guía de tesis

  1. Paul Dekan, Operatoren der EQCD bis zur sechsten Ordnung, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2010    
  2. Thomas Luthe, Difference equations for 5-loop massive vacuum integrals using syzygies, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2011    
  3. Kilian Lessmeier    Vektorboson-Selbstenergie in massiver 3D Eichtheorie, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2012
  4. Vanessa Koch, Dimensionally reduced effective action of high temperature pure gauge SU(N), University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2013.
  5. Stefan de Boer, Three-loop gap equation within resumed 3d Yang-Mills theory, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2013.
  6. Marc Sangel, Three-loop gap equation for a spontaneously broken 3d Yang-Mills theory, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2013    
  7. Eva Wiedner, Automatic calculation and reduction of gluon self-energy with CARE, University of Bielefeld, Alemania, 2013.

Tesis de doctorado dirigidas en los últimos 10 años.

Como guía de tesis

  1. Ervin Bejdakic, Feynman integrals, hypergeometric functions, and nested sums, University de Bielefeld, Alemania, 2009.
  2. Ioan Ghisoiu, Three-loop Debye mass and effective coupling in thermal QCD, University de Bielefeld, Alemania, 2013.
  3. Jan Möller, Fully massive tadpoles at five-loop: reduction and difference equations, University de Bielefeld, Alemania, 2012.
  4. Thomas Luthe, Fully massive vacuum integrals at 5 loops, University de Bielefeld, Alemania, 2015

Listado de publicaciones en los últimos 10 años


  1. Y. Schröder, 2009, Chasing electric flux in hot QCD, Nuclear Physics A
  2. A.Hietanen, K. Kajantie, M. Laine, K. Rummukainene, Y.Schröder, 2009, Three- dimensional physics and the pressure of hot QCD, Physical Review D
  3. By Y. Schröder, M. Vepsalainen, A. Vuorinen, Y. Zhu, 2011, The Ultraviolet limit and sum rule for the shear correlator in hot Yang-Mills theory, Journal of High Energy Physics
  4. M. Laine, Y. Schröder, 2012, Thermal right-handed neutrino production rate in the non-relativistic regime, Journal of High Energy Physics
  5. Daniel Bieletzki, Kilian Lessmeier, Owe Philipsen, York Schröder, 2012, Resummation scheme for 3d Yang-Mills and the two-loop magnetic mass for hot gauge theories, Journal of High Energy Physics
  6. J. Möller, Y. Schröder., 2012, Three-loop matching coefficients for hot QCD: Reduction and gauge independence, Journal of High Energy Physics
  7. M. Nishimura, Y. Schröder, 2012, IBP methods at finite temperature., Journal of High Energy Physics
  8. York Schröder, 2012, A fresh look on three-loop sum-integrals, Journal of High Energy Physics
  9. Ioan Ghisoiu, York Schröder, 2012, A new three-loop sum-integral of mass dimension two, Journal of High Energy Physics
  10. Ioan Ghisoiu, York Schröder, 2012, A New Method for Taming Tensor Sum-Integrals, Journal of High Energy Physics
  11. M. Maniatis, Y. Schröder, 2013, Constraints on the NMSSM from the oblique parameters, Advances in High Energy Physics
  12. Ioan Ghisoiu, Jan Möller, York Schröder, 2015, Debye screening mass of hot Yang-Mills theory to three-loop order, Journal of High Energy Physics
  13. J.A. Gracey, T. Luthe, Y. Schröder, 2016, Four loop renormalization of the Gross-Neveu model, Physical Review D
  14. Thomas Luthe, Andreas Maier, Peter Marquard, York Schröder, 2016, Towards the five-loop Beta function for a general gauge group, Journal of High Energy Physics
  15. J.A. Gracey, I. Jack, C. Poole, Y. Schröder, 2017, a-function for N= 2 supersymmetric gauge theories in three dimensions, Physical Review D
  16. By Thomas Luthe, Andreas Maier, Peter Marquard, York Schröder, 2017, Five-loop quark mass and field anomalous dimensions for a general gauge group, Journal of High Energy Physics
  17. Thomas Luthe, Andreas Maier, Peter Marquard, York Schröder, 2017, Complete renormalization of QCD at five loops, Journal of High Energy Physics
  18. Thomas Luthe, Andreas Maier, Peter Marquard, York Schröder, 2017, The five-loop Beta function for a general gauge group and anomalous dimensions beyond Feynman gauge, Journal of High Energy Physics
  19. M. Laine, P. Schicho, Y. Schröder, 2018, Soft thermal contributions to 3-loop gauge coupling, Journal of High Energy Physics.

Listado de proyectos de investigación en los últimos 10 años

  1. Grupo de Física de Altas Energías, DIUBB 152609 GI/VC, 2015-2017, Co-Investigador
  2. Multiloop Calculations in Particle Physics, Fondecyt Regular 1151281, 2015-2019, Investigador Responsable
  3. Grupo de Cosmología y Partículas Elementales, DIUBB 172309 GI/C, 2017-2019, Co-Investigador
  4. Atracción de Capital Humano Avanzado del Extranjero, Proyecto Conicyt MEC - PCI 80180071, 2019-2020, Investigador Responsable
  5. High-precision Particle Physics: Five-loop Single-scale Tadpoles and QCD Applications, Fondecyt Regular 1191073, 2019-2023, Investigador Responsable